22 January 2008

Looking on into the future

Today I had a pretty revolutionary idea: perhaps I should be looking at myself less critically. Over the past couple of months I have been undergoing a pretty fundamental deconstruction of what it is to be "Chris," with respect to Chris. It's kind of hard to contextualize and even harder to reconcile a post about it but I think there's hope in the future.

Given the fact that I: firstly had a bad experience at an (arguably) politically correct liberal arts University which turned out to be a lot more liberal than I expected, secondly discovered a lot about myself and interpersonal things that I probably would have (given the chance to choose) chosen not to find out I am cautiously optimistic about what life brings to me after I post this.

For some who may not already know, I've left my University after only one semester for emotional stress issues and a plain fact that it's the antithesis of what I want in a college. What I think I want it something like Hillsdale [ small, conservative, honest, and true ] without all of the humbub of - well - everything else I have up until now seen.

I'm frankly getting quite exhausted with the cause and effect apporach in deciding my career - based on others opinions - and am forking out. I am first visiting a Jesuit Institution in Seattle called Seattle University and that visit is firstly on my mind.

But more frankly, I think Hillsdale will be a fit made in heaven.

More on this later, but I must relax after a very stressful day.

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